Latest Episodes

Family Matters with Naomi Petropoulos
Today we meet with Naomi Petropoulos, a DePOT affiliate and PhD candidate at Queens University Belfast. Her work on the history of “The Original...

The Feminization of Brass Bands in British Mining Communities w/ Marion Henry
Marion Henry joins Gabriel Ellison-Scowcroft to discuss her recent article "Des coulisses à la scène: la féminisation des brass bands dans les bassins miniers...

Canadian Pension Funds with Tom Fraser
Pension Pilled with Tom Fraser Host Amanda Marie Whitt joins Tom Fraser, a Masters Student at Concordia University, whose academic and journalistic work tackles...

Invisible Labour w/ Indranil Chakraborty
Dr. Indranil Chakraborty discusses his recent monograph Invisible Labour: Support Service Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry with MA student and DéPOT affiliate Gabriel...

Oral History Methodology w/ Naomi Petropolous, Rebekah Chatellier, Amber Ward & Pete Hodson
In this episode of the DéPOT podcast, Naomi Petropoulos (Queen’s University Belfast) speaks with Rebekah Chatellier (University of Strathclyde), Pete Hodson (Trinity College Dublin)...

Intro to DéPOT w/ Dr. Steven High
Deindustrialization and the Politics of Our Time (DéPOT)'s associate director Lauren Laframboise speaks with the project's principal investigator Dr. Steven High about the origins,...